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Cleaning with a Mop
Warehouse Shelves from Above


Industrial and Logistics environments are amongst the most challenging to maintain. With heavy foot (and MHE!) traffic, fast changing needs and stringent health and safety requirements, it is vital that your supply partner understands your needs and provides flawless service.



The need for strict SLAs and auditing procedures in the industrial/logistics sectors is of the utmost importance, and we pride ourselves on providing true account management that ensure the service you receive is exactly as agreed, whilst maintaining the flexibility that is so essential in these sectors.



With staff qualified not only in cleaning but also in operating MHE, and partnerships with specialists across various trades, we create full-package services for our customers that cover all bases, and we exceed expectations.

Vital People is a trading name of The Business Connection Group


Company registered in England, number 04457041. 


Registered Office - Hilliards Court, Chester Business Park, Chester, CH4 9QP

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